Error SPC 3362 HRES 3 2 1

the software on the single board computer want to draw the patterns, grid, stribes, hexagons, …

some patterns need a very detailed resolution, for example visual acuity

in a bad case the single board computer cannot reach the high resolutions anymore

you can see this when it jumps from the colored stribes monitor screen saver to pattport or pattvga and stay there for maybe 1 second, then jumps back to the screen saver

the retiport software loose the connection and popup the message “…stimulator error…”

there is a small fix to force the spc only in the low resolution

on the retiloop.bat on the singleboard computer is a parameter called HRES

HRES3 -> 1280

HRES2 -> 1024

HRES1 -> 800

if you set the partameter to HRES1 it will work for all protocols dont need this highresolution

only visual acuity wont work, it needs HRES3

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