here are some cases listed which result is < 2
Author: S F
AllowDBRepair v6 v10
Move / Save exams to other patients
Old ASRock Boards – Win7 – IDS Cameras – BIOS USB
Some special settings are needed for older ASRock Mainboards and win7 with IDS Cameras – resulting in bluescreen Please setup following BIOS USB Settings
Error SPC 3362 HRES 3 2 1
the software on the single board computer want to draw the patterns, grid, stribes, hexagons, … some patterns need a very detailed resolution, for example visual acuity in a bad […]
SPC 3362 Pattern not in center / shifted
If its not the monitor settings it can be a problem with pattport on the sbc itself go to single computer connection in retimenu, password “servicespc” backup / rename the […]
Convert V6 RETIbase to V10 RCDB10
You will need a v& Installation and some newer V6 binarys (6.20+) here are the binarys In V6 you need to do an XML export in each application (port, scan, […]
RCDB10 Database Client Server
You can run the V10 RETI RCDB10 Database as Client – Server You need to install a server service on another windows computer follow this manual here
Missing DLLS in V6 V10
here are the typical needed dlls for the reti system copy to c windows system32 and syswow64 folder
mfERG dont work after replace SPC 3365
In older systems the mfERG dont run with the new SPC 3365 Solution is to update the retiscan.exe in the RETIscan* folders
SPC 3365 No Trigger
Possible the BIOS from SPC corrupt folow this instruction!
Ganzfeld Q450 Offline message (RETImenu left side)
Check 01 Detect USB Ports – Save – Detect again Check 02 Ganzfeld Baudrate must be 115200 Check 03 Q450config.exe Connect and can read? Check 04 Driver Reinstallation first remove […]
Override FTDI Information for (Mavo Monitor Win10)
only use this if you know what you do, it can destroy the device… with mprog you can readout or write the ftdi chip on the device The Type must […]
Mavo Monitor Driver Win 10
The newest Mavo Monitor Driver for Win10 uses the standard ftdi driver. In the device manager its called “USB Serial Port” (COM x) Older Mavo Monitor Devices have another named […]
Update V6 Version
Backup and replace needed executablles for Version 6